Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is Blu. He loves to kayak. He's insane.


  1. I love your dogs! What a great time you all must have, doing fun stuff in such a beautiful place. And have a wonderful time restoring the farmhouse. Enjoy the journey! I always have more fun in the doing than in actually getting there. I answered your question about hawks on my blog. Smiles

  2. Well, just in case you didn't check back to my blog here is my answer:

    Callie said...
    James ---- The trees on the property are too tall and close together for birds of prey to maneuver around in easily or see through. The chickens stay under the trees. I suppose if they stayed in the driveway a hawk could swoop in and get one, but there is nothing to eat in the driveway so they don't hang out there.

    We have lost chickens to a bear, a fox or a coyote and to an unknown, but it has always been because we either left the chickens out without the dog or someone forgot to lock up the coop.

    Morgan keeps the chickens safe... she even keeps the squirrels away from the chickens! And we have large breed chickens. I don't think a hawk could pick up a 7 to 10 pound chicken? I'll have to check that.

    The owls do fly around amongst the trees at night, but the chickens are safely locked up. Please!

    We have Wyandottes, Light Brahmas, Dark Brahmas, Buff Brahmas, Australorpes, and one Cochin.

    I'll have to do a post about the chickens.

    P.S. I did the post about the chickens...

  3. Thank you Callie, I'm going to look at that :)
